Toongabbie and district playgroup
Come and play!
What is playgroup?
Playgroup is for babies, toddlers and preschoolers and their parents or carers. Playgroups are informal, low cost and run by the parents. Adults stay with their children at playgroup. This gives them the chance to meet other people going through similar experiences and ease the isolation that can come with caring for young children.
What are the benefits of playgroup?
At playgroup children can make new friends, have new experiences, gain self confidence, develop physically, socially, emotionally and intellectually and most of all have fun! It is also a great opportunity for parents to meet new people and have a social outing while still spending time with their children.
What happens at playgroup?
The playgroup has an indoor and outdoor space with both areas containing a large variety of toys for children of all ages. The children are able to explore, play and interact with each other in a safe and comfortable environment. We also have weekly activities such as painting, puzzles, water play and craft. The children all sit together for morning tea and enjoy a snack and drink as a group.
What to bring
A piece of fruit for snack time
What we need from you:
We run a rotating duty roster that we ask if you can help with; if you would like to join our committee, our aim is to help with organisation and fundraising for play group and OF COURSE FOR YOU TO HAVE FUN!
Please note costs and times may have changed since publication of this page.
When: Wednesday and Friday 9.30am-11.30am during school terms
Where: Toongabbie Recreation Hall, Main Street, Toongabbie, Victoria, 3856
Please contact via our email or Facebook page.
Facebook: Toongabbie-District-Playgroup-Victoria
What does it cost?
$2.00 on a casual basis.
You can join Playgroup Victoria here –
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